Forschungsstelle für Transnationales Wirtschaftsrecht
Telefon: 0345 55-23186
Telefon: 0345 55-23180
Institut für Wirtschaftsrecht, Juristische und Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
06099 Halle (Saale)
- Links zum Völker- und Europarecht
- I. Das System der Vereinten Nationen
- II. Europäische Organisationen
- III. Weitere Internationale Organisationen
- IV. Internationale Streitbeilegung
- V. Internationale Schiedsverfahren
- VI. International Law Journals etc.
- VII. Universitäten und Forschungsinstitute
- VIII. Sonstiges - Weiterführende elektronische Ressourcen
- Links zum Internationalen und Transnationalen Wirtschaftsrecht
Links zum Völker- und Europarecht
I. Das System der Vereinten Nationen
- Vereinte Nationen
- Ständige Vertretung Deutschlands bei den Vereinten Nationen
- Dokumente der Vereinten Nationen in deutscher Sprache
- Official WEB Site Locator for the United Nations System of Organizations
- UNDCP: Other UN and International Organizations and related links
- United Nations Office at Geneva
- United Nations Office at Vienna
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
- International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
- International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
- International Labour Organization (ILO)
- International Monetary Fund (IMF)
- International Maritime Organization (IMO)
- International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
- United Nations Children's Funds (UNICEF)
- United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
- United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
- Universal Postal Union (UPU)
- World Food Programme of the United Nations (WFP)
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
- World Meteological Organization (WMO)
- World Bank (=IBRD, IDA, IFC, MIGA, ICSID)
- World Trade Organization (WTO)
II. Europäische Organisationen
III. Weitere Internationale Organisationen
- Association of South East Asian (ASEAN)
- Asian Development Bank (ADB)
- Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
- Associacion Latinoamericana de Integracion (ALADI)
- Communidad Andina (JUNAC)
- Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
- International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
- International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC)
- International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
- Inmarsat
- International Hydrographic Organization
- International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
- Organization of African Unity (OAU)
- Organization of American States (OAS)
- Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC)
- Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
- The Commonwealth
- The Islamic Development Bank
- The World Conservation Union (IUCN)
- World Tourism Organization (WTO)
IV. Internationale Streitbeilegung
- Europäischer Gerichtshof
- Europäischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte
- Interamerikanischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte
- International Criminal Court
- Internationaler Gerichtshof
- Internationaler Gerichtshof : Informationen zum IGH zusammengestellt von der Cornell University, N.Y.
- International Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
- International Tribunal for Rwanda
- London Court of International Arbitration
- Ständiger Schiedsgerichtshof in Den Haag (Permanent Court of Arbitration)
- UNO Seegerichtshof
V. Internationale Schiedsverfahren
- International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)
- investmentclaims.com (all relevant foreign investment law instruments and jurisprudence, co-edited by Todd Weiler and Ian A. Laird)
- NAFTALAW.ORG (aktuelle und umfassende Sammlung von NAFTA-Verfahren - bearbeitet von Todd Weiler)
- Appleton & Associates (International Lawyers mit Beteiligung an aufgelisteten NAFTA-Verfahren)
- Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Kanada (Auflistung von NAFTA Chapter 11 Verfahren anhand beteiligter Staaten)
VI. International Law Journals etc.
- Online verfügbare Zeitschriften über die Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt (nur im Universitätsnetz mit Vollzugriff verfügbar)
- Alle kostenlos online verfügbaren Rechtszeitschriften zusammengestellt von der Osgoode Hall Law School, Kanada
- Umfassende Linksammlung elektronisch verfügbarer Law Journals aus allen Rechtsgebieten zusammengestellt vom Richmond Journal of Law and Technology
- Kluwer Law International Journals (alle online verfügbaren internationalrechtlichen Law Journals des Verlages KluwerLaw - im Universitätsnetz Halle zumeist mit Vollzugriff)
- American Journal of International Law
- American University International Law Review
- Austrian Review of International and European Law
- Berkeley Journal of International Law
- Boston College International and Comparative Law Review
- Boston University International Law Journal
- Brooklyn Journal of International Law
- California Western International Law Journal
- Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law
- Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law
- Chicago Journal of International Law
- Chicago-Kent Journal of International and Comparative Law
- Columbia Journal of International Affairs
- Columbia Journal of Transnational Law
- Common Market Law Review
- Connecticut Journal of International Law
- Contemporary Asia Arbitration Journal
- Cornell International Law Journal
- Denver Journal of International Law and Policy
- Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law
- Emory International Law Review
- European Environmental Law Review
- European Integration online Papers , the only open and peer reviewed online research paper series in the field of European integration
- European Journal of International Law
- European Public Law
- Fletcher Forum of World Affairs
- Florida Journal of International Law
- Florida State University Journal of Transnational Law and Policy
- Fordham International Law Journal
- Foreign Affairs
- George Washington International Law Review
- Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law
- Harvard International Law Journal
- Hastings International and Comparative Law Review
- Houston Journal of International Law
- Human Rights Quarterly
- Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies
- International and Comparative Law Quarterly
- International Journal of Constitutional Law
- International Law and Trade
- International Law Forum du droit international
- International Lawyer
- Iowa Journal of Transnational Law and Contemporary Problems
- Jean Monnet Working Papers
- Journal of International Criminal Justice
- Journal of International Dispute Settlement
- Journal of the History of International Law
- Leiden Journal of International Law
- Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review
- Melbourne Journal of International Law
- Michigan Journal of International Law
- Michigan State University - DCL Journal of International Law and Policy
- Netherlands International Law Review
- Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights
- New England International and Comparative Law Journal
- Non-State Actors and International Law
- Nordic Journal of International Law
- North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation
- Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business
- NYU Journal of International Law and Politics
- Pace International Law Review
- San Diego International Law Journal
- Stanford Journal of International Law
- Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce
- Temple International and Comparative Law Journal
- Texas International Law Journal
- Touro International Law Review
- Tulane Journal of International and Comparative Law
- Tulsa Journal of Comparative and International Law
- UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs
- Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law
- Virginia Journal of International Law
- Williamette Journal of International Law and Dispute Resolution
- Wisconsin International Law Journal
- Yale Journal of International Law
VII. Universitäten und Forschungsinstitute
- International-Public-Law-Links : Sammlung von Links zu allen Themenbereichen des Völkerrechts zusammengestellt von der University of Western Australia
- The Jean Monnet Chair Harvard University
- Rave (Rechtsprechung und Aufsätze zum Völkerrecht und Europarecht - bearbeitet vom Lehrstuhl für deutsches und ausländisches öffentliches Recht, Völkerrecht und Europarecht der Universität Düsseldorf)
- Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht
- Walther-Schücking-Institut für Internationales Recht an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
- Weltpolitik.net (Zahlreiche aktuelle Beiträge und Informationen zu Entwicklungen im internationalen System)
- EurActiv.com Portal - EU-Nachrichten, -Stellungnahmen und Aktuere online; führender Online-Informationsdienst in Sachen Europapolitik
VIII. Sonstiges - Weiterführende elektronische Ressourcen
- Electronic Information System for International Law - EISIL (von der American Society of International Law - umfassend und hilfreich)
- Digital Librarian: a librarian's choice of the best of the Web - Law Recources
Links zum Internationalen und Transnationalen Wirtschaftsrecht
I. Internationale Wirtschaftsorganisationen
- CBD : Convention on Biological Diversity
- CITES : Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
- CSD : United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development
- Group of 77
- International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
- International Labour Organization
- International Monetary Fund
- International Organization for Standardization(ISO)
- International Policy Council on Agriculture Food and Trade
- International Trade Centre
- ISO : International Organization for Standardization
- OECD : Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Office international des épizooties
- The World Bank Group
- UNCTAD : United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
- UNDP : United Nations Development Program
- UNEP : United Nations Environment Programme
- UNFCCC : United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
- UNIDO: United Nations Industrial Development Organization
- World Bank/WTO Trade and Development Centre
- World Customs Organization (WCO)
- World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
- WTO : World Trade Organization
II. Regionale Wirtschaftsorganisationen
- Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
- Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
- European Union (EU)
III. Nichtregierungsorganisationen (NGOs)
- ACTS : African Centre for Technology Studies
- CAA : Community Aid Abroad
- CASIN : Centre for Applied Studies in International Negotiations
- CBI : Consensus Building Institute (affiliated with the Masachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT)
- Cedarena : CEDARENA (Environment and Natural Resources Law Center)
- Christian Aid
- CID : Global Trade Negotiations Home Page (Harvard University)
- CID-HARVARD : Center for International Development (Harvard University)
- CIEL : Center for International Environmental Law
- Consumers International
- CSE : Centre for Science and Environment
- CUTS : Consumer Unity & Trust Society
- ENDA-Tiers Monde : Environnement et Developpement du Tiers Monde (Dakar, Senegal)
- FARN : Fundacion Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
- FFLA : Fondacion Futuro Latinamerico
- FOCUS : FOCUS on the Global South
- IATP : Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
- IISD : International Institute for Sustainable Development
- IPS : InterPress Service
- IUCN : World Conservation Union
- MS-Denmark : Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke (Danish Association for International Cooperation)
- North-South Center : (Research centre at the University of Miami)
- NOVIB : Netherlands Organisation for International Development Cooperation
- NWF : National Wildlife Federation
- QUNO : The Quaker United Nations Office
- SCDO : Swiss Coalition of Development Organizations
- SDPI : Sustainable Development Policy Institute (Pakistan)
- Solagral
- TNI : Transnational Institution
- WWF : World Wide Fund for Nature
IV. Law Journals, Newsletter und elektronische Ressourcen zum Internationalen Wirtschaftsrecht
- BRIDGES Weekly Trade News
- The Economist
- Financial Times
- Focus - WTO Newsletter
- GATT Digital Archive 1947-1994 (alle GATT 1947 Dokumente, insbesondere bislang unveröffentlichte, zusammengestellt von der Stanford University)
- Global Environmental and Trade Study (GETS) (umfangreiche Ressourcen zu vielen Aspekten des internationalen Wirtschaftssystems von der Yale University)
- Harvard Global Trade Negotiations Page Headlines (Informationen zu global trade negotiations von der Harvard University)
- Journal of Commerce
- News from the WTO Website
- Trade Compass Daily Brief
- WTO/GATT Research (gute Seite zum Einstieg in WTO-Forschung von der NYU)
- WTOWatch.org Daily News
- Yahoo! WTO and International Trade News Page
- Yahoo! WTO News Search
- Arbitration International
- Business Law Review
- CEPMLP Internet Journal
- Estey Centre Journal of International Law and Trade Policy
- International Law and Trade
- International Trade Law Journal (South Texas College of Law)
- International Trade Law and Regulation
- Journal of International Arbitration
- Journal of International Economic Law (Oxford University Press)
- Journal of International Economic Law (University of Pennsylvania Law School)
- Journal of World Intellectual Property
- Journal of World Investment & Trade
- Journal of World Trade
- Law and Policy in International Business (Georgetown University Law School)
- Legal Issues of Economic Integration
- Minnesota Journal of Global Trade
- NAFTA: Law and Business Review of the Americas
- North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation
- Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business
- Southwestern Journal of Law and Trade in the Americas
- Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce
- The Swiss Review of International Economic Relations
- Transnational Dispute Management
- Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law
- World Competition
- World Trade and Arbitration Materials
V. Forschungsinstitute und weiterführende Webseiten
- CATO Institute Center for Trade Policy Studies
- Georgtown University Law Center Research Guide on WTO law
- Georgtown University - Researching International Trade Law
- Hieros Gamos Legal Research - Trade Law
- International Trade and Investment News
- Institute of International Economic Law (Prof. J. H. Jackson)
- Trade, Economy & Development (Global Policy Forum)
- Trade Compass Daily Brief
- WEED-Links
- Weltpolitik.net - Policy Forum: Die Doha Development Agenda
- World Economics Web Resources
- WorldTradeLaw.net (sehr umfassend zur WTO, mit vielen links)